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The best peanut butter pie I've ever had, available at Ronda's |
I'm 32 today.
Yesterday Ethan said, "Well honey, after today, you'll never get your
31st year back again,"
and I replied rather caustically "Thank goodness."
But later my heart was pricked with the attitude behind my "good
riddance to my 31st year" comment.
You see--
I've been listening to Exodus while I do dishes.
Those Israelites,
that ragtag crowd of slaves, they
ate roasted lamb
with bitter herbs.
They knew 400 years of bitter treatment.
I have compassion for newly-freed slaves
with scars cut deep into their strong backs,
memories cut even deeper of
wet newborns silenced in the river
hearts and breasts sore from un-drunk milk,
I understand how they tripped up on trust, that their desert-thirst was
bigger than their memory of the miracle of the Red Sea.
But I also understand the thundering of their-God-my-God, whom they drove to
the brink of silencing forever their grumbling and complaining. I've never
liked whining, even my own.
So, on this Ninth of March, I come to the Thundering Mountain,
not trembling, but as a daughter—a grateful daughter, shoes off. I’m not necessarily
forgetting the bitter salad of this past year, but I chose to focus instead on
the feast of lamb with this list of 32 blessings. Most of these gifts would
never have happened if I had been in the country and place of my choosing.
2014’s Spring
Meeting my beautiful niece Ariel and saying
goodbye to her too, a hard gift
Driving through the misty flats of Delaware, the
understated and under-appreciated beauty of home
Spur-of-the-moment meal invitations accepted by
my sister
Dishwashers and stovetops with four burners
instead of two
Story time at the Greenwood Public Library
Thrift Stores
2014’s Summer
Sweltering afternoons cooling off in the JAARS’
pool (James learning to swim!)
The surprise of working and loving the job as a
JAARS Tour Guide
Cups of tea in the Wycliffe Counseling office
and their compassionate conversations
Small pots made out of red North Carolina clay by
Dorie, James, and their pack of neighborhood friends
Waxhaw Elementary School and a fantastic start
to Dorie’s education
Stash tea, vinyl records, and deep friendship
with the Sleeps
13 Cavities missed or ignored by previous
dentists, but found and filled here
A dozen delightful new friendships—John and
Kristy Craig, to name one
2014’s Fall
Love shown in Orange: a table of sympathy full
of orange flowers, orange lip balm & bath gel, and orange tissues on the
hardest day of my year
A family vacation to Tennessee at the peak of the
fall colors, and just when my heart needed time to gasp, to process the death
of so many dreams, to gather strength, and to remember that the death of the chlorophyll is what brings out the beauty of Autumn.
Forever memories for Dorie and James of their GGma
and GGpa (Ethan’s grandparents), a short two hour drive from our NC home
2014/2015’s Winter
Huddling up against the cold and enjoying Ethan’s
family for two wonderful months—uncles, aunts, cousins, Omi and Opi, and lots
of snow for James and Dorie to play with
Deepening friendships with Faith Bible Church,
the Alianellos, and others
Meeting for a reunion with my RBC freshman-year
girlfriends and our ever expanding brood—the good old days haven’t died
An easy transition back to Greenwood, Delaware—daily
reminders of the rich community we enjoy
Sending Dorie to my old elementary playground,
Greenwood Mennonite School
Saying hello to old friends—boxes and boxes of
books packed away when we moved to Texas in 2011…we must claim the label ‘bibliophiles!’
Monday Game Night with my family
Landing a job doing exactly what I’ve wanted to
do since high school—helping ESL students and their teachers
Reading time with Grandma Alene, a two minute
walk away for James and Dorie
The joy of caring for elderly again: soapy
washcloths, pureed food, answered bells, and wrinkled smiles
Attending Sewing Retreat
A new job for Ethan (first day today!)
Eating a
Birthday Lunch with ‘the Yoder gals’ at
Rondas (One of my favorite restaurants anywhere)
Here is to the changing seasons of life; to
spring-green, verdant grass, Tennessee orange,
and winter's white. This has been a year of change, but I'd be foolish to only grumble.